Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blog 5- question 3

Throughout the year my ability to create expanded. Compared to the first quiz my midterm and final had much more significant meaning to me and what I was trying to depict. I focused on developing my midterm to have a meaningful big idea. It focused on the idea that a girl who is perceived to be perfect actually hates herself. For my final I wanted to make the photos meaningful to me. I study fashion and I wanted to incorporate my favorite eras in fun way. By making the clothes and taking the pictures myself, this piece has grown to mean a lot to me.

Blog 5- question 2

My most challenging photoshop technique was learning how to light the pictures. For another blog, I chose to do a photoshop tutorial that dealt with matching lighting. Although Tyra looks better then before, she still isn't lighted as well as she could be. With this I struggled to make her appear to be in the right lighting.
However, by the end of the quarter I mastered this technique and used it in my final. I was easily able to manipulate Barbie's color to flow with the background and then add lighting behind her.

Blog 5- question 1

My most significant accomplishment in this course was my midterm. With such a broad big idea I wanted to develop a piece that would have a more specific meaning. I immediately decided I wanted to do a woman who is suffering on the inside but is perceived to be perfect on the outside. To emulate this into photoshop I originally wanted to do a woman looking into a mirror, however as I developed the piece I decided to show the thoughts of her and her peers.In order to accomplish this I incorporated many photoshop techniques and images.